3rd-Party UI Libraries
Life is hard but coding can be easier. The reason we ❤️ open-source software (OSS) is because there're many awesome libraries that help us making a better world by software products. React Cool Form bears the faith in mind, it allows us integrate with any 3rd-party UI libraries easily. There're three ways to integrate with an UI library in React Cool Form.
1. Seamless IntegrationUncontrolled components or components that rely on native input elements (i.e. input, select, and textarea) to work under the hood, we need to do nothing 😂. For example: Material-UI's TextField, Checkbox, and Select, etc.
import { useForm } from "react-cool-form";import { FormControl, FormControlLabel, FormLabel, InputLabel, TextField, Select, Checkbox, Button,} from "@material-ui/core";
const App = () => { const { form, use } = useForm({ defaultValues: { username: "", framework: "", fruit: [] }, onSubmit: (values) => console.log("onSubmit: ", values), }); const errors = use("errors");
return ( <form ref={form} noValidate> <TextField label="Username" name="username" required error={!!errors.username} helperText={errors.username} /> <FormControl> <InputLabel htmlFor="framework">Framework</InputLabel> {/* When working with select, we need to enable the native select element or you can use the "NativeSelect" instead */} <Select inputProps={{ id: "framework", name: "framework" }} native> <option aria-label="None" value="I'm interesting in..." /> <option value="react">React</option> <option value="vue">Vue</option> <option value="angular">Angular</option> <option value="svelte">Svelte</option> </Select> </FormControl> <FormControl component="fieldset"></FormControl> <div> <FormLabel component="legend">Fruit</FormLabel> <FormControlLabel control={<Checkbox />} name="fruit" value="🍎" label="🍎" /> <FormControlLabel control={<Checkbox />} name="fruit" value="🍋" label="🍋" /> <FormControlLabel control={<Checkbox />} name="fruit" value="🥝" label="🥝" /> </div> <Button type="submit" variant="contained" color="primary"> Submit </Button> </form> );};
useControlled Hook#
2.Controlled components with highly customized and full features like React Select or React Datepicker. We can use React Cool Form's useControlled hook to create a reusable controller component for them in a flexible and performant way.
When using the hook (and not working with field-array), a default value is required.
import { useForm, useControlled } from "react-cool-form";import Select from "react-select";
const Field = ({ as, name, ...restProps }) => { const [fieldProps] = useControlled(name, restProps); const Component = as;
return <Component {...fieldProps} />;};
const options = [ { label: "React", value: "react" }, { label: "Vue", value: "vue" }, { label: "Angular", value: "angular" }, { label: "Svelte", value: "svelte" },];
const App = () => { const { form } = useForm({ defaultValues: { framework: "" }, // We must provide a default value for the controlled field excludeFields: ["#framework"], // Exclude the internal input element of React-Select by ID onSubmit: (values) => console.log("onSubmit: ", values), });
return ( <form ref={form}> <Field as={Select} name="framework" inputId="framework" // Used for excluding the internal input element of React-Select options={options} parse={(option) => option.value} format={(value) => options.find((option) => option.value === value)} /> <input type="submit" /> </form> );};
3. Do It YourselfIf the above solutions can't meet your needs then you can set up a custom field with the API of React Cool Form. The following example demonstrates how to combine the useFormState and useFormMethods to DIY a custom field with full validation UX.
import { useForm, useFormState, useFormMethods } from "react-cool-form";import { TextField, Button } from "@material-ui/core";
const Field = ({ as, name, onChange, onBlur, ...restProps }) => { const value = useFormState(`values.${name}`); const { setValue, setTouched } = useFormMethods(); const Component = as;
return ( <Component name={name} value={value} onChange={(e) => { setValue(name, e.target.value); // Update the field's value and set it as touched if (onChange) onChange(e); }} onBlur={(e) => { setTouched(name); // Set the field as touched for displaying error (if it's not touched) if (onBlur) onBlur(e); }} {...restProps} /> );};
const App = () => { const { form, use } = useForm({ defaultValues: { username: "" }, // excludeFields: ["username"], // You can also exclude the field here validate: ({ username }) => { const errors = {}; if (!username.length) errors.username = "Required"; return errors; }, onSubmit: (values) => console.log("onSubmit: ", values), }); const errors = use("errors");
return ( <form ref={form} noValidate> <Field as={TextField} label="Username" name="username" // Used for the "excludeFields" option required error={!!errors.username} helperText={errors.username} inputProps={{ "data-rcf-exclude": true }} // Exclude the field via the pre-defined data attribute /> <Button type="submit" variant="contained" color="primary"> Submit </Button> </form> );};