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Form State

Building highly performant forms is the duty of React Cool Form. It minimizes the number of re-renders and provides the best user experience by the following features:

Here we will explore the form state and some best practices for using it.

About the Form State#

Form state is an object containing the following properties:

valuesobjectThe current values of the form.
errorsobjectThe current validation errors. The shape will (should) match the shape of the form's values.
touchedobjectAn object containing all the fields the user has touched/visited.
isDirtybooleanReturns true if the user modifies any of the fields. false otherwise.
dirtyobjectAn object containing all the fields the user has modified.
isValidatingbooleanReturns true if the form is currently being validated. false otherwise.
isValidbooleanReturns true if the form doesn't have any errors (i.e. the errors object is empty). false otherwise.
isSubmittingbooleanReturns true if the form is currently being submitted. false if otherwise.
isSubmittedbooleanReturns true if the form has been submitted successfully. false if otherwise.
submitCountnumberNumber of times the user tried to submit the form. The value will remain until the form is reset.

Using the Form State#

React Cool Form provides a powerful API: use to help us avoid unnecessary re-renders when using the form state.

Watching the State#

Due to the support of complex structures, the use method allows us to use dot-and-bracket notation to get the form state.

const { use } = useForm();
// Returns { name: "Welly", orders: ["๐Ÿ•", "๐Ÿฅค"] }// Re-renders the component when either "values.user" or "values.user.<property>" changesconst user = use("values.user");
// Returns "Welly", re-renders the component when "" changesconst name = use("");
// Returns "๐Ÿ•", re-renders the component when "values.user.orders" changesconst pizza = use("values.user.orders[0]");

We can construct an array/object with multiple state-picks inside like the following example:

const { use } = useForm();
// Array pick, re-renders the component when either "" or "" changesconst [foo, bar] = use(["", ""]);
// Object pick, re-renders the component when either "" or "" changesconst { foo, bar } = use({ foo: "", bar: "" });

Best Practices#

Every time we get a value from the form state via the use method, it will listen the changes of the value and trigger re-renders only when necessary. Thus, there're some guidelines for us to use the form state. General speaking, more frequently updated value(s), need to be accessed more specific, will get more performant.

const { use } = useForm();
// ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿป You can, but not recommended because it will cause the component to update on every value changeconst values = use("values");// ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป For the form's values, we always recommended getting the target value as specific as possibleconst fooValue = use("");
// ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป It's OK, in most case the form's validation will be triggered less frequentlyconst errors = use("errors");// ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป But if a validation is triggered frequently, get the target error insteadconst fooError = use("");
// ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป It's OK, they are triggered less frequentlyconst [touched, dirty] = use(["touched", "dirty"]);

Shortcut for Accessing the Form's Values#

The form's values might be the most frequent one that we need to get in a specific way, it's kind of verbose. However there's a shortcut for it, we can get the form's values without the values. prefix:

// Current state: { values: { foo: "๐ŸŽ", bar: "๐Ÿ‹", baz: "๐Ÿฅ" } }
-const [foo, bar, baz] = use(["", "", "values.baz"]);+const [foo, bar, baz] = use(["foo", "bar", "baz"]);

Missing Default Values?#

If we didn't initialize the default value of a field via the defaultValues option of the useForm. The use method will lose the value. Because the method is called before the field's initial render. For such cases, we can provide an alternative default value for the use method to return as below:


If you need to refer to the status of a conditional field, we recommend to use React state instead.

import { useForm } from "react-cool-form";
const App = () => {  const { form, use } = useForm({    // Some options...  });
  cosnole.log(use("")); // Returns undefined  cosnole.log(use("", { defaultValues: { foo: "๐ŸŽ" } })); // Returns "๐ŸŽ"
  return (    <form ref={form}>      {/* The same case as the useControlled's defaultValue option */}      <input name="foo" defaultValue="๐ŸŽ" />      <input type="submit" />    </form>  );};

Filter Untouched Field Errors#

Error messages are dependent on the form's validation (i.e. the errors object). To avoid annoying the user by seeing an error message while typing, we can filter the errors of untouched fields by enable the use's errorWithTouched option (default is false).


This feature filters any errors of the untouched fields. So when validating with the runValidation, please ensure it's triggered after the field(s) is (are) touched.

const { use } = useForm();
// Current state: { errors: { foo: "Required" }, touched: {} }// Returns { foo: "Required" }const errors = use("errors");
// Current state: { errors: { foo: "Required" }, touched: {} }// Returns {}const errors = use("errors", { errorWithTouched: true });
// Current state: { errors: { foo: "Required" }, touched: { foo: true } }// Returns { foo: "Required" }const errors = use("errors", { errorWithTouched: true });

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป See the Displaying Error Messages to learn more about it.

Isolating Re-rendering#

Whenever a monitored value of the form state is updated, it will trigger re-renders. Re-renders are not bad but slow re-renders are (refer to the article). So, if you are building a complex form with large number of fields, you can isolate re-rendering at the component level via the useFormState hook for better performance. The hook has the similar API design to the use method that maintain a consistent DX for us.


We must provide a valid path to use the hook, or it will return undefined.

Edit RCF - Isolating Re-rendering

import { useForm, useFormState } from "react-cool-form";
const checkStrength = (pwd) => {  const passed = [/[$@$!%*#?&]/, /[A-Z]/, /[0-9]/, /[a-z]/].reduce(    (cal, test) => cal + test.test(pwd),    0  );
  return { 1: "Weak", 2: "Good", 3: "Strong", 4: "Very strong" }[passed];};
const FieldMessage = () => {  // Supports single-value-pick, array-values-pick, object-values-pick, and shortcut-values-pick  const [error, value] = useFormState(["errors.password", "password"]);
  return <p>{error || checkStrength(value)}</p>;};
const App = () => {  const {} = useForm({    defaultValues: { password: "" },    onSubmit: (values) => console.log("onSubmit: ", values),  });
  return (    <form ref={form} noValidate>      <label htmlFor="password">Password</label>      <input        id="password"        name="password"        type="password"        required        minLength={8}      />      <FieldMessage />      <input type="submit" />    </form>  );};

On State Change Event#

The useFormState hook can also play as an event listener to listen for the changes to properties in the form state without triggering re-renders.


We must provide a valid path to use the hook, or the callback won't be triggered.

import { useForm, useFormState } from "react-cool-form";
const App = () => {  const { form } = useForm({ defaultValues: { foo: "", bar: "" } });
  // Triggers callback when form's values changed  useFormState("values", ({ foo, bar }) => console.log({ foo, bar }));  // Triggers callback when a field value changed  useFormState("foo", (foo) => console.log(foo));  // Triggers callback when field values changed  useFormState(["foo", "bar"], ([foo, bar]) => console.log([foo, bar]));
  return <form ref={form}>{/* Some fields... */}</form>;};

Reading the State#

If you just want to read the form state without triggering re-renders, there's a getState method for you.


Please note, this method should be used in an event handler.

const { getState } = useForm();
const SomeHandler = () => {  const [isValid, values] = getState(["isValid", "values"]);
  if (isValid) createRecordOnServer(values);};

With the method, we can read/construct the data by the following ways:

const { getState } = useForm();
// Reading the form stateconst state = getState();
// Reading a value of the form stateconst foo = getState("");
// Shortcut for reading a valueconst foo = getState("foo");
// Array pickconst [foo, bar] = getState(["", ""]);
// Object pickconst { foo, bar } = getState({ foo: "", bar: "" });