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TypeScript Support

React Cool Form is written in TypeScript, so the library's types will always be up-to-date. When working with TypeScript, we can define a FormValues type to support the form's values.

Edit RCF - TypeScript

import { useForm } from "react-cool-form";
interface FormValues {  firstName: string;  lastName: string;}
const App = () => {  const { form } = useForm<FormValues>({    defaultValues: {      firstName: "Welly",      lastName: true, // ❌ Type "boolean" is not assignable to type "string"    },    onSubmit: (values) => {      console.log("First Name: ", values.firstName);      console.log("Middle Name: ", values.middleName); // ❌ Property "middleName" does not exist on type "FormValues"    },  });
  return (    <form ref={form}>      <input name="firstName" />      <input name="lastName" />      <input type="submit" />    </form>  );};

TypeScript and Hooks#

We can provide the FormValues type to the following hooks:

interface FormValues {  firstName: string;  lastName: string;}
const methods = useForm<FormValues>();
const methods = useFormMethods<FormValues>();
const props = useFormState<FormValues>();
const props = useControlled<FormValues>();;// Working without "validate" optionconst props = useFieldArray<FieldValue>();// Working with "validate" optionconst props = useFieldArray<FieldValue, FormValues>({  validate: (value) => {    /* ... */  },});

Making Field's Name Type-safe#

Some folks are asking about the type-safe of a field's name, however we can achieve that via TypeScript's Enums.

enum FieldNames {  "name" = "name",}
const App = () => {  const { form } = useForm({    defaultValues: {      []: "Welly", // ❌ Property "email" does not exist on type "typeof FieldNames"    },  });
  return (    <form ref={form}>      <input        name={} // ❌ Property "email" does not exist on type "typeof FieldNames"      />    </form>  );};

🧐 You can dig more useful types of this library to build a strongly typed form.